New Year, No Fear

Happy New Year to all our amazing high school and college athletes!

As we enter into a new year, it's important to remember that we have the power to shape our own future. And as athletes, that means approaching our sport with passion, dedication, and fearlessness. No matter what challenges may come our way, we will always have opportunities to overcome them.

So, as we kick off this new year, I want to encourage you to let go of any fears or doubts that may be holding you back. I know that being an athlete is not always easy. There are days when you may feel exhausted, frustrated, or discouraged. But it's important to remember that these challenges are all part of the journey. They are what make us stronger, more resilient, and more determined.

Here are a few tips to help you start the new year off on the right foot:

1.     Set goals: What do you want to achieve this year? Whether it's improving your speed, mastering a new skill, or taking your team to the championship, set clear and specific goals for yourself.

2.     Stay positive: It's easy to get bogged down by negativity or self-doubt, but it's important to stay focused on the positive. Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you.

3.     Work hard: There's no substitute for hard work and dedication. Make sure you're putting in the effort every day, whether that means practicing a specific skill, or cross-training in the gym, or studying game footage.

4.     Celebrate your wins: Sometimes we get caught up in the grind of training and competition, but it's important to take time to celebrate your accomplishments. Take a moment to appreciate your hard work and the progress you've made.

Here's to a new year filled with fearlessness and endless potential. Happy New Year, athletes - let's make it one to remember!


2023 DI Softball Preseason Rankings are Here!